Tuesday, May 17, 2016

In other words, double minus Un-Good

Everything is too heavy & too complicated. I have been reimagined as a puller hauling a bulky load across a frozen lake while the brainworks won't attach enough to be able give my cellphone number to the USPS agent. Rough weather earlier, losing power for 3 hours. But now I'm too heavy to move far (had a bad time getting home on my dusky stroll), to put together these sentences. I follow the words I'm tapping & am amazed I can spell anything... I AM hoping this is just the added influx of bad barometric pressure. If not, I will be left hopelessly undone...
(Art by Ray Caesar)

trapped in my rampaging disabilities

I feel so trapped in my rampaging disabilities, so confined by their inclusion, so isolated & seeking any light for a sense of escape. Even a suggestion of an exit would be appreciated in my everyday struggles, which tend to evaporate all promise from my wakefulness as I look towards a future in another place (less than 3 weeks away) & it seems entirely impossible.
(Photos by Arlette Chiara Sivizaca)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Two Weeks of Seizures...

At least 3 more erupting petite mal/temporal lobe seizures woke me up in the early daylight of today. Now I feel rested following 12 hours of slumber & am somewhat myself once more.

Slowly, I am coming back to me after last week's 6 days of petite mals, with a savage grand mal thrown into the mix, & now 2 days of little bads (petite mals)...

Come blow your mind with me, Chicken Little...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

NEW Cross-Country Train Schedule

NEW Cross-Country Train Schedule: leaving Hammond, LA, on Friday, June 3rd, heading northeast to Chicago, where I switch from the City of New Orleans to the westerly bound Empire Builder, arriving in Portland on Monday, June 6th (D-Day!).

How’s that for a locomotive trip?

(Art from the USPS stamp series, ‘the Congressional’)