Monday, August 28, 2006

In the Folds of Hurricane Katrina's Dress One Year Later...

In the Folds of Hurricane Katrina's Dress One Year Later...

This afternoon, a sad year ago, is when we grabbed what we thought we needed & headed to my In-laws to weather the massiveness of Katrina. Can you believe we had no idea? We'd been through so many of these, that we expected to be home the next afternoon like every other hurricane. We were lucky that at the end of their short road, on the Highway, there is a Volunteer Fire Department. That assured that the highway was cleared up to that point at least. Then one of our cousins brother, who lives across the street from my wife's folks, used his Bobcat to open up the short road - able to get there because the highway was clear, open. This allowed us to take a brief drive that afternoon (29th) & see what we could slightly north & south to the remains of our small town buried under trees & live wires... Then we went to bed early, using candles... in the horrible heat that never even tried to subside in the darkness of night.

The next day we were able to check on our little country road, which heads to our home. It was devastated. About the size of our driveway was partly open, traversed over much debris, before reaching a wall of large, fallen trees... Electric wires were all over the ground. It would have been 2.5 miles to walk in to check on our double-wide. We didn't. Or rather, my wife didn't want me to & i could see the wisdom of her words after my initial need to "macho it" across the debris. Being ill at the time, i would have been in trouble. BUT i wanted to see, wanted to know... In a few days, my brother-in-law did the walk/hike. He's a bulldozer driver, a truck driver, & a roofer, so has the strength to climb & crawl easily. My migraine condition's complications at the time really made me angry. i felt exposed, embarrassed, & weak. What they used to call "Pansy-Tansy" back home in the timber town i was raised in...

That afternoon, we left the parish & headed north. Spent 2 weeks up there before the electricity came on & we ventured back. We stayed at my in-law's for a single night before the electricity came on in our home. It was fortunate that the head of Homeland Security in our parish lives down at the end of our road. We saw many electric repair vehicles working on our road when we returned.

Then there was the 6 months of massive clean-up in our parish. The clean-up trucks, the waiting in line in our cars as they loaded the debris into makeshift trucks with a variety of heavy machinery, causing any drive to be extended by at least twice the time [so going to the neurologist was at least a 45 minute trek to only get to the office]. Giant stumps along the road became part of the landscape. Much of the dense woods on our little country road were gone. The many of thick trees lining the highway were gone. It's difficult to explain this even to myself... How a snapped tree, bent, forming a triangle with the ground has become my symbol for Katrina... How the stores, after they re-opened, were mostly bare. How 100,000 new people had relocated to our parish from the Diaspora parishes below the lake, giving us big city traffic jams & so many accidents... How stores in general & restaurants were only open for short hours. Many food joints closed for 3 or 4 hours after lunch. Often, this is still the case. Large signing bonuses remain the norm for being hired at a fast food joint.

How good it was to notice the helicopters slowly lessening from our skies - their black shapes & noisy barks formed lines of at least five, flying back & forth. How good it was to see the MRE & water lines go as well as the National Guard; plus the lifting of the curfew after many months... How good it was to see lightning bugs come out in the spring, making me feel normal.

It seems both like yesterday & a thousand years ago...

Looks like Ernesto is going to pound Florida by Mid-week, not us... this time. But then you worry about them. Along the Gulf, first you feel relief, then a sad kinship with those being crushed by another bite during hurricane season.


(Photo © 2005 by j. m. Scoville)

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Writer's Block: Sadness & Too Much Empty Time

Writer's Block: Sadness & Too Much Empty Time

i used to feel i could always work myself through it... no matter what. That sense of blind glee, unrealistic optimism lasted until June 05. Everything then stopped abruptly in the way it feels when someone runs into the back of your car and you're driving it at high speeds. It's not because i didn't want to, but my mind was lost, all a daze, existing in a nonlucid state. And this bit of hell persisted for almost the whole of that cycle, reaching out to June 06...

Medication is shit. But when you legally have to be on something for a damn migraine condition because of a couple seizures in 02 or you can't drive, you take the meds. Whereas the meds penetrate deep, mess with your biology, cuts into your gray matter, ruining everything. Then you cut those drugs, finding something less restrictive, wandering in the ruins of a former self, hoping it will eventually resolve.

Now i'm back to wordings, to carrying myself across in sentence.

To not be capable is one of the worse things i can imagine. Someday, i'll move it into a story & take away some of the lingering fear. Once bitten, you worry about another such tragic chomp...

None of it is as easy as these words try to explain. You don't know which drugs are causing the troubles, if the cigarettes you'd quite were part of the mess, nor what direction to go in.

It all takes sadness & too much empty time...

["Pair, Annoyed," created by

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Are We a Lost cause?

Are we a lost cause?
[When we used to live in New Orleans, we lived very close to Canal Street,
so this Picture breaks my heart]

It's hot. Lots of a/c.

FEMA has been clearing the debris off my wife's folk's place. We're not getting any help like that. Left up to us. Just bought a chainsaw, now that i'm feeling better. Wish the weather would cool off. In the upper 90s or past 100 degrees is just too damn hot to work consistently outdoors.

Had a fire break lo
ose last night on the neighbor's across the road from a Hurricane Katrina debris pile. Had the Forest Service & Rural fire dept. come out last night, cuting fire breaks. Thankfully, we're safe. Nothing like 4 years ago.

That was horrible. i was at home fortunately then to call it in & save our home. i was the only person home, so it was good i had that day off then. That's when i was a supervisor for the local barnes & noble. A vast burn coming within 10 feet of our abode, scorching all the acreage right nextdoor. It was a debris pile then, too. That neighbor never accepted responsibility. But he does clear our land with his bulldozer for free -- that's the up-side, i guess.

New Orleans is still pretty bad. The 9th Ward alone hasn't been touched since Katrina/Rita. Tourists aren't coming. More & more people are leaving. NOPD have lost 25 officers last month alone. Put that against the 300 that left immediately w/ the hurricanes, & then about 20 cops gone per month, & you've got grandma's buying firearms for the 1st time in their lives to protect their places...

Surely, the rest of the country has forgotten about us...

St. Bernard Parish is still beaten down, just got mail service. Those people are selling their property cheap & politicans are buying it like dirt. It's horrible - exploitation of the poor. The rich get richer. Eventually that land will be worth 100 time more than what they paid for it... Wealth is evil Like that's any surprise.

You have to make appt. to see your doctor at least 3 weeks ahead of time. That's at the Oschner Clinic. They keep losing doctors. Everyone's moving to Texas. i used to call & make an appt. the morning of & generally got in. Now, that's like Disneyland talk.

That's how its going down here...

Failure to
Empathize or

-my translation

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a preciousness of life...

a preciousness of life...

If we could get the heat out of the high 80s & rid us of those vicious west nile mosquitoes, i'd feel better out in the night. But the sunsets ARE incredible.

We live out in the woods. Real country & country people. And they're still burning debris piles from Katrina. So last night was another fire that got out of control from a neigbhor. Had the forest service & parish fire department cutting fire breaks. Fortunately we were safe. But it puts a nervousness in you - an immediacy.

...a preciousness of life.

Yes, the world is still mad, i agree. More obvious of its insanity. While we push forward in our creativity, making the moments our own. It's sometimes difficult to create inside all this ugliness, isn't it? i feel so much outrage. Then it weeps away & i tap on my PC keys or i work on editing a short film or i do a quick sketch. i find, my furstration subsides, when i take walks in our woods. It levels the madness, makes my thoughts less important while nature carries on...

i just wish all our trails hadn't been covered by the hurricane. But what can you do? Survive & dream...

(Photo © 2006 by j. m. Scoville)

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Man by Where the Twin Towers Used to Stand

Man by the Twin Towers
[where they used to stand]

-for George Tabb, who lives by the former WTC

Yeah, it's horrible.

The disconnection, the ability to let people die, people hurt - for people to discontinue. i really don't understand it.

i feel something about the people dying in Iraq, to pick one. The citizens, the soldiers - madness. But the average Joe/Josephine American buy their hummers/SUV, turn away, because its not here. But the World Trade Center was here!

The same with our Katrina. How she broke us into pieces. How it continues... With mean spirited senators & such telling the country not to rebuild New Orleans.

One man hangs. That is an important man. He breathes, he speaks, he dreams, he masturbates... One person like them, like us all, holding on while people won't see, can't see, because if they do, their entire plastic world around them would be set on fire & would burn away...

They would have to admit that poverty does exist in the USA. That there are massive unemployed citizens, who aren't counted by the Feds, struggling to survive every single day.

How can it all happen?

They say the Amazon Forest has 1 Year before its ill-reversible. One solid year. But there isn't Global Warming. That would cost money to repair. Would make you change your life...

One man holds on... The Towers went down. He breathed in them, has taken in all those who died in 9-11... When government was supposed to be watching... It happened & now its their PR sham, their election platform. When in doubt, bring up the WTC. But don't help this man... Don't help all those living in NYC. They're just fodder for your schemes...

This is insane.


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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

7 Deadly Cines Q & A

7 Deadly Cines Q & A

[from Cine-Sanity website - now defunked, posted for posterity's proverbial sneeze]

~questions prepared for me by P.R.

These are nuts and bolts type questions. The questioner must ask questions that interest him, and I'm not interested in the process, or inspiration, or philosophy. I never can get through most interviews, because my eyes glaze over when the Artist starts expounding on his Art. I'm interested in the finished product. Many of the interviews I've seen end up being a combination of egotism fed by fawning adoration (in which interviewer is toadying up to get in good graces of Artist).


1. What three famous American films would you have liked to have made, and why?

1. The Maltese Falcon.

2. Cabaret.

3. Altered States.


I must admit I am very much entranced by a movie/films look. All these pictures have a look that attracts me. The DP [director of photography] not only understood both the directors and the storyboard measures, they also could translate the script into their own visions while utilizing their experience to the fullest. But to only claim the look, the shear cinematography, is the whole of the picture isnt true. You can see the beauty in Paul Morrisseys Blood of Dracula, enjoy the excellent soundtrack, then be laid empty by the lack of script and the horrible acting. Nah, you must delve deeper, take the butterfly knifes blade and know how to use it. Yes, soundtrack, or the lack of one, does also engage my interest. That is another plus. Then one must turn to the actors. Are they motivated effectively to show us the characters soul or do they die on their marks? In all of these 3 pictures, we see the soul of all of the characters. The directors surely knew what they were doing.

This was John Hustons first outing with the captain bars in place. BUT he does his job like a veteran. Not only did he direct, he converted Raymond Chandlers best selling noir novel by doing the script. Bob Fosse is a marvelous choreographer, a master of sexuality, and a superb director. You just have to forget his miserable Star 80. We have to give him a break with that monster following the excellence of Sweet Charity [a box office bomber], Cabaret, and All that Jazz... Then there is the perpetual explorer: Ken Russell. Another beloved father to my filmmaking.

BUT WHY would I want to make these pictures?

They stir me. They get those essential circuits in my creativity greased. So why not? To work with the DPs would be a gift. The Maltese Falcon was shot by Arthur Edeson, Geoffrey Unsworth ennobled Cabaret, and Jordan Cronenweth caught the allegory of Altered States with much assistance in the Special Effects department by Bran Ferren - without him the mystical realms would have lain flat on the screen.

To work with them, I know my ideas for those scripts would surely have been realized.

Then to the casts...

Humphrey Bogart in his first lead after playing hoodlums in B-Movies, Peter Lorre in his prime [devilishly sincere and very stylishly handsome], Sydney Greenstreet in his green applish first role for The Maltese Falcon. Cabaret is also perfectly, if not better, casted. The glorious Joel Grey as the minimally entitled Emcee, Michael York threatening his movie star personae as a bisexual, and Liza Minnelli as the self destructive Sally Bowels. How could these have been better cast? And finally, we turn to Altered States. William Hurt in his first role and a lead at that. Blair Brown in her intellectual sincerity and marvelous sexual liberation, dispelling the meek weaker sex myths, exposing the emancipation of the late sixties, while also maintaining a feminine sense. Any of these casts, if they believed in me, would make for a very creative time on the set as well as an easy time for the editor. Or a difficult time, because such talent enlightens directors, and makes a picture more than anyone could dream of priceless.

2. Hitchcock said that actors were sheep.

a. What do you think he meant?

Let us gather our flocks and lead them to a most certain slaughter. Control seems crucial for some directors. Not everyone is a Robert Altman, who learns the true essence of a project while on the set, interacting. Many people ARE puppets, NOT actors. Not everyone wants to have fun. Or their studios decide the casts. The studios with their star machines, making talentless hacks into movie stars. The Method and The System are frightening terms because you have to relinquish control and put yourself out there, where you could easily fail. Instead, people want to come to work, click their timecards, and go home afterwards. This assures nothing changes in them.

b. What is your attitude toward actors?

When I look at people to play parts I often seek both people capable of improvising and those that will just play themselves. The stretch is nothing in the latter case, but to find someone that can go beyond, to find the heart of a scene and throw away the script is deliciously fun for everyone.

3. Many directors have produced masterpieces by stringently following a script, thus giving the writing aspect great importance.

a. Do you believe in working from a strong script?


b. Why, or why not?

I feel a script is a base to use. Then I turn to the storyboards. Lately, I use storyboards to write my scenes. And if I can indeed find someone that can improvise, who can read and get what the scene is about and what is needed to be expressed, then we just go into the scene as a massive rehearsal process, often using one to three takes to get what I need. Afterwards is the true art form of a film: the editing process. That is where you search for the core and seek the true meaning of what wasnt apparent even after the filming is in the proverbial can.

4. Is there a novel you would like to make a film of?

No. Besides, a film can't do justice to a novel. Only a mini-serie can touch on such a work. Short stories and novellas make for better celluloid. There, the answer is still no.

a. Why does it inspire you, and what would be the problems in doing it justice?

I need to work from my own ideas. Sure this makes me very unattractive to any studio picking me up and giving me a shot with their finances. It has to be this way. I have to be on the path to finding my own soul, becoming a greater mortal when I do anything creative be it film or words or ink and paint. Otherwise, why do it? Money. Sure, but this is my only life. Why waste it?

5. As a filmmaker, do you desire a wide audience?

a. Could you, emotionally and practically, accept the reverse obscurity and no financial remuneration for your work?

No. I do want an audience. Even if its small. Preferably Id like to scratch out my own space in the vast indifference of filmmaking. Somewhere my own, like Jim Jarmusch has done. I wouldnt mind offshore sponsors as long as they didnt put any restrictions on my creativity.

6. Some directors have been involved in many aspects of their films (in "Citizen Kane" Welles was director, actor, and collaborated on the screenplay; Chaplin even wrote the music for some of his films).

a. What hats do you think you can wear?

Perhaps this sounds rather like an egomaniac, but I really need to be part of everything. Of course, I cant write a soundtrack, but that doesnt mean I cant give my score writer ideas, samples, of what is needed, then turn them loose. I do know there are far better DPs out there. I am merely a child with my little digital camera. With this in mind, I can plan out the shots; make the partnership a fusion where I can grow as an artist while not holding the cinematographer back from their own creative inspiration.

b. What aspects should you delegate to others?

Like I said, the score will have to be influenced by me, and then turned loose to the musician so they dont feel boxed in. After discussing the shots, the DP and his assistants can line up the shots, find out what they have to use in available light [a requirement of mine], before we work together further. I havent a quarter the experience most DPs have. As long as they are willing to take chances, to let themselves go... Costumes. Again, I need to be in the planning process. Lately, I give my casts an idea of what Im seeking and let them make up their own garb. I love that independence. And of late, Id prefer to not be acting. Outsiders, off the set, get the notion that I want to play a certain role so I can be wild. People love to gossip, to actually make up stories and basically lie. The role may require that I make out with an actor. Be it a woman or a man. With experience, I have learned the disconnection a set kiss has. Its empty after the scene ends - when both participants check out of their character and go to the next setup. In my case, I couldnt get anyone to play the lead so had to assume it myself. Now theres some kind of strange buzz around me and I can get a lead. But before, it was just me. And I had to do what I felt as the filmmaker was required of the character. I enjoy playing, improvising, finding the core, but now have to jettison myself from the scenes because we do live in a small town. Maybe Ill pick it up again in a while, when it doesnt matter and Ive etched my niche in the system.

7. What turns you off when viewing a film?

As Jim Jarmusch has stressed: Everything has been done before. BUT you dont have to cop out. You dont have to apply a TV sitcom formula to your movie. What I really hate is to know where a picture is going and being shown I was correct. I want to be challenged as an audience member. Not that you have to make everything experimental, you can be normal as hell, just dont use the same used up patterns, the same camera angles, and the same worn out dialogue. Give me something more.

a. Give specific examples from specific films.

State and Main. It has a pretty good cast: Phillip Seymour Hoffman and William H. Macy - personal favorites in other movies. And David Mamet as the Director. He was great with Focus. So what happened? I kept rooting for this comedy, wanting the vital more and was sadly disappointed. My question is: why did Alec Baldwin fight so hard for this script that he got a Producers credit? I still feel he did a good job in the local drama, Heavens Prisoners.

Why does it turn me off?

Its a story about Hollywood. Of LA types taking over a small town as their location and attempting to exploit the locals ignorance. That, in itself, intrigues me. Unfortunately, there were no interesting camera angles, no profound dialogue, no standout performances or fascinating scenes, and no surprises. That is why I wonder why it was even made. I could see the scenario too easily and knew the conclusion way before its arrival. Why? I stress this to ask: Why make it at all? Hollywood was brilliantly revealed in Vincente Minnellis The Bad and the Beautiful. Then emphasized after the collapse of the studio system in his follow up picture, Two Days in Another Town [not yet released on DVD]. If one desires some new exposure to the mania of moviemaking, I recommend Peter OBrians recent film, Hollywood North. I imagine State and Main was done with the best intensions: to expose the sloppy egotism of Hollywood and poke fun at itself. But sadly, it came off like some made for TV movie, which lacks creativity and originality. I am certainly glad I bought it for a buck plus sales tax at a Walgreens and didnt spend the full price of a ticket.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Sapphire Hotel Photo

At The Sapphire Hotel, 5008 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, Oregon, July 06.

Uploaded to front my profile, but i still can't figure out how to do it. Illiterate as a bum-whick on a fried metal roof in August, along the sweatland next to the Gulf of Mexico.

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That's my mantra: GO!

Push it past, let the doubts fall away, just keep in a direct path, moving - let it be mental or physical.

It's all GO!

With hesitation, we fall over the cliff & land on the boulders below.

With a pause, we find the lines in our eyes & can't move.

By GOING, the world is made a contact art, an expression of working, the essence of belief.

By Going, we make it all far more beautiful than we recall. Look, listen, & in those elements, GO.

We are beautiful. The leaf fluttering, the moonlight on a windowsill, the silence in our room making TV sounds... It's all incredible. Ah...


"Find the flow, get into the action, & let go..."

I awoke today to solving what could be my... dogma/mantra/motto/chant about writing. My feelings can be broken down to this: "Find the flow, get into the action, & let go..."

None of the sophisticated crap most intellectuals claim. I like to run, to put down my head & merge with the piece. Anything else is always suicide in a work. The preconceived has to be broken into debris or the writing is lost in me.

I am not a great speller, horrible with syntax. I have to use instinct, find the trails in an unlit wilderness, cutting my way as an act of love...

Does this make sense? To mean, it's the only way.
