Monday, August 14, 2006

Are We a Lost cause?

Are we a lost cause?
[When we used to live in New Orleans, we lived very close to Canal Street,
so this Picture breaks my heart]

It's hot. Lots of a/c.

FEMA has been clearing the debris off my wife's folk's place. We're not getting any help like that. Left up to us. Just bought a chainsaw, now that i'm feeling better. Wish the weather would cool off. In the upper 90s or past 100 degrees is just too damn hot to work consistently outdoors.

Had a fire break lo
ose last night on the neighbor's across the road from a Hurricane Katrina debris pile. Had the Forest Service & Rural fire dept. come out last night, cuting fire breaks. Thankfully, we're safe. Nothing like 4 years ago.

That was horrible. i was at home fortunately then to call it in & save our home. i was the only person home, so it was good i had that day off then. That's when i was a supervisor for the local barnes & noble. A vast burn coming within 10 feet of our abode, scorching all the acreage right nextdoor. It was a debris pile then, too. That neighbor never accepted responsibility. But he does clear our land with his bulldozer for free -- that's the up-side, i guess.

New Orleans is still pretty bad. The 9th Ward alone hasn't been touched since Katrina/Rita. Tourists aren't coming. More & more people are leaving. NOPD have lost 25 officers last month alone. Put that against the 300 that left immediately w/ the hurricanes, & then about 20 cops gone per month, & you've got grandma's buying firearms for the 1st time in their lives to protect their places...

Surely, the rest of the country has forgotten about us...

St. Bernard Parish is still beaten down, just got mail service. Those people are selling their property cheap & politicans are buying it like dirt. It's horrible - exploitation of the poor. The rich get richer. Eventually that land will be worth 100 time more than what they paid for it... Wealth is evil Like that's any surprise.

You have to make appt. to see your doctor at least 3 weeks ahead of time. That's at the Oschner Clinic. They keep losing doctors. Everyone's moving to Texas. i used to call & make an appt. the morning of & generally got in. Now, that's like Disneyland talk.

That's how its going down here...

Failure to
Empathize or

-my translation

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