Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gogol on writing...

Gogol spoke to N. Berg about his working method as follows: “First you must put down everything just as it comes, no matter how poor or diluted it is, just get everything down and then forget the whole thing. Then after a month or two, sometimes longer (it will happen when the time is right), take out the text and read it through. You will then see that some things are incorrect, much is superfluous, and some things are missing. Make corrections and notes in the margin and put the manuscript away again. Then, at the next reading, make new notes in the margin, and if there is not enough room, attach a piece of paper to the edge. Then, when there is no room left, take the text and copy it in your own hand. In so doing new insights, abbreviations, additions and refinements of style will appear of their own accord. Unlike those of the first text, words will present themselves which are essential, but which somehow did not appear immediately. Then leave the manuscript alone again. Take a trip somewhere, enjoy yourself, do nothing, or write something else. In time you remember the shelved work. Take it out, read it through, correct it as before, and when you have scrawled all over it, copy it in your own hand. In so doing you will notice how, along with the improvement of the style and the polishing and refinement of the sentences, your hand also becomes firmer. The letters are written more firmly and decisively. This should be repeated eight times, in my opinion. Some writers require fewer attempts, others require even more. I do it eight times. Only after the eighth copy, which must be in one’s own hand, does the work emerge as an artistic whole, a pearl of creation. Further revision and reading could ruin the whole thing; the artist calls it over‑drawing. Of course, these rules cannot always be observed; it is difficult. I am talking about the ideal case. Some work must go to press earlier. A man is human after all, and not a machine.”

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