Objectivity Overruns My Egocentric Subjectivity
At least no storms today.
Has anyone been hearing the ads for drilling for oil on family farms on NPR? Those are ads really for them to come along & FRACK your land, which very likely could entirely destroy your & your neighbors' ground water as well as contaminating local waterways. But the ad puts it like you'll be saving your farm & like the oil companies are your friend.
Yeah, just look at the gas prices. 30 cents more than last year & 10 cents more than last week. With friends like that -- as the cliché goes.
Does this also make NPR complicit, not our friend, due to their involvement in schemes to defraud & exploit listeners for the sake of needed corporate sponsorship?
To such ethical questions, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "I became convinced that non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good."
So much is bad in the news. It's so hard to keep going. Then I take a walk with LeNoira June (my dog) in the woods or on the country road, witness the tadpoles in the overflowing ditches, watch the light & shadow play in the clouds, visit with the neighbor horse & cows, & just enjoy whatever happens - be it redhead woodpeckers flying past or new flowers on the roadside that last a mere afternoon. Then I know why I am here: to be alive & aware of it. Objectivity overruns my egocentric subjectivity.
Aware, I have become an atheist. I don't believe anymore in a hereafter. No progression of mind or will. I believe when this is over, it's over & the mind/self evaporates into oblivion. But this isn't bleak. The miracle is how hard it was to achieve this being alive, this being a species that can be aware. The real gift is this existence. Short-lived, yes, but this IS a blessing.
ENJOY IT for as long as it lasts!
(art 2013 by Clay Bennett)